Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The danger of islam ideology

Last night I was watching an episode of the new Hawaii 5-0. I did not watch the original but my husband did and when he saw a remake of it, he started watching it and said he was sure I would love it. Which, of course, I did! In this particular episode, Dano, played by Scott Caan, is recounting to Steve, played by Alex O'Loughlin, a day, 11 years earlier, when he was still a cop in New Jersey. As his interaction with some drug dealers turns deadly and his partner is fatally shot, Dano runs out of the building to get help only to see a menacing cloud of black, billowing smoke coming from the distance. Turns out that particular day was 9/11 and the reason why Dano was reminiscing was because 1. that day he found out he was going to be a father and 2. because, along with Steve they were trying, in the present, to disarm a bomb wrapped around an islamic terrorist they had just shot. Why am I telling you this? Well, before they found themselves hunched over a bomb carrying islamic terrorist, Dano was lamenting to Steve about the terrible world his daughter, now 10 has to live in. A "fortress" America, filled with danger at every corner, always on alert that another 9/11 is imminent. A world where she will never again be able to fly anywhere without enduring 30 minutes of groping and touching from strangers at airports. A world hated by terrorists with no humanity, no mercy or decency and nothing to loose. Granted what I was watching was fictional, however the subject matter was not! And it dawned on me... I too have young children... I too am terrified and dumbfounded by what is happening in our world today. But, is this new? Is the deep seeded, devious, and unrelenting hatred that islamic muslims have in their hearts for America and the West new? Of course not! From it's inception this deadly cult they like to call their "religion" has been a militant, killing machine, started by a blood ravenous sexual deviant and bread to conquer, subjugate and murder the whole non-islamic world. So, to answer my own question, no, this attitude is nothing new. What is new, however is that for the 1st time in American history this country has a pResident who is so devoted to his own islamic heritage, so PC and so afraid of offending the middle east that, despite terrible evidence to the contrary given to him by the taliban, hezbollah, al-Qa'ida, ansar al-shari'a, boko haram and ISIS, he is incapable of uttering the words "islamic terrorists", consistently minimizing the cruelty and insanity of the atrocities committed by these islamists against ANYONE not willing to submit to islam while continually attacking Christianity by bringing up the Crusades and by calling Christians "less than loving". Unfortunately this attitude has fueled the ignorance and stupidity of the progressive left, as well as the demanding and entitled attitudes of the islamic muslims living in the West, which are now enforcing their own sharia law in "muslim only" ghettos all over Eastern Europe and are starting to demand all kinds of preferential treatment here in the States, from islamic nurses not washing their hands because it is "forbidden" to hijab covered women refusing to take off their face covering when stopped by the police or refusing to be searched at the airport even though everyone else is, to groups of muslims demanding that restaurants take all pork and pork related items off of their menus because it offends them. And, more recently, to a very well known and very radical imam named Anjem Choudary who has actually called for Pamela Geller to be tried by a Sharia Law court and, if found guilty (which she definitely would be), executed for holding a muhammad drawing contest in the States! Forget about the fact that sharia law is NOT recognized in our courts or that it would actually be illegal to do so because we already have a law - the Constitution! And yet, despite all of this evidence to the contrary of their deceitful claim that theirs is a "peaceful, loving religion", for some reason, there seems to be a frightening political correctness, fueled by ignorance and purposeful denial of the truth amongst all liberal progressive left and even amongst some of the conservative right. These people are desperately and stubbornly holding on to the completely erroneous narrative that all of the atrocities committed by islamic muslims in the name of islam, in very recent history and today, are somehow not connected with or representative of the islamic religion. And, even though, I personally cannot comprehend how ANYONE could make such an asinine statement with a straight face, there it is! The deception is real and it is happening! All of this, while in the meantime Christians in America are consistently being told by the same progressives I might add, that they have to rethink, rework and adapt their religious beliefs to accommodate everyone else, including muslims! Christian businesses are being destroyed, their owner's livelihoods taken away because they do not want to participate in gay weddings, as the LGBT community and their leftist supporters scream at the top of their lungs that those people are discriminating, hateful and bigoted, while, from the other side of their mouths ask that islamic muslims be accepted, tolerated and accommodated, even though, even as I write this, lesbians and homosexuals are crucified alive and being thrown from tall buildings in islamic muslim countries! It is, to me, an obviously demonic deception that is blinding everyone to the truth of islam. And this why I and others like me all over the world are trying desperately to sound the alarm, to shine a light on the darkness and evil of this murderous cult. We are being told all the time that we are not at war with islam, but the truth is islam is exactly who we are at war with. We must understand that what fuels islamists to commit those unspeakable atrocities against the whole world is not their individual depraved minds but rather it is the islamic ideology that has been taught to them from the time they were tiny little boys and girls! Evidence abounds everywhere that little children are taught that Israel is the devil, the West a depraved place and America the great satan and that their mission in life is to kill as many Jews and westerners as they can. That allah requires of them to fight those who do not submit to islam and either convert them or take them prisoners and subjugate their women to nightmarish sexual deviance and either kill the men or use them as slaves! All of this is not a made up fantasy concocted by islam hating "islamaphobes". Rather, it is written in their qua'ran and it is demanded of them, under pain of death, to follow those requirements to the letter. Islamic muslims truly believe that their mission is to conquer the world so islam and allah will rule forever and so ALL their teachings, their training, their indoctrination is geared towards this end and, unfortunately, it has taken away from them any glimmer of mercy, love, compassion and righteousness. Because how else can anyone explain their actions? How can they burn people alive, throw women and children off the top of a mountain, take little girls as young as 9 years old into sexual slavery, burn and mutilate women for not wearing full body coverings, etc., etc., with their compassion and mercy intact? It cannot be done! So, in the end we will have to wake up to the truth of islam or wake up conquered and enslaved by it! Because it is the islamists' goal to dominate the world and the only way to prevent that is to recognize truth and refuse to be bullied into being politically correct!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 #SOTU – Lies, thwarts and unicorn farts

Dear God, one minute into it and I already have a headache…  Second 46, #1 BIG lie of the night: “My fellow Americans…” Really?? Since when???  One minute into it… ONE MINUTE and he’s already passive aggressively attacking the Bush administration with that “2 costly wars” statement! Well, guess what pumpkin… You’ve been financing one of those wars yourself, with no end in sight, even though you built your campaign on the promise of bringing our soldiers back from Afghanistan! So how ‘bout you look in the mirror first, eh??? Minute 1:18 – “But tonight we turn the page! Tonight, after a break through year for America…” Wait… WHAT??? A “break through year for America”??? Is he freakin’ serious??? Break through for what?? Highest unemployment rate in 25 years? 18 TRILLION dollars in National debt, more than 8 of those trillions having been added by his majesty, making him THE pResident with a debt burden greater than ALL the previous presidents combined?? Destructive racial tensions?? Largest # of people on welfare in years??? Largest # of unlawful executive orders?? A gigantic, nightmarish socialist/communist/islamic hybrid government, spearheaded by a guy whose greatest mentors and influences were known terrorist and communist Bill Ayers, communist and white people hating Frank Marshal Davis and the wife beating, violent alcoholic and colonialism hating, Islamic Muslim Barack Obama Sr.?? And let’s not forget his “white” side… A communist grandfather and a prostitute mother! Is that the break through year he’s talking about??? Cause I don’t what unicorn world he’s living in… But, the mental illness display continues with fictional references to the Afghan war… “Tonight, for the first time since 9/11 our combat mission in Afghanistan is over! 6 years ago, nearly 180 thousand troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, fewer than 15 thousand remain!” Yeah! Great accomplishment Mr. pResident… That’s why the Middle East is so peaceful now… And that is why the “JV team” that is ISIS has killed tens of thousands of people so far, mainly women, children and elderly by fun methods like beheadings, exsanguinations, crucifixions and throwing them from tall buildings and mountain tops! We lost thousands of American men and women in combat in the Middle East only so their sacrifice means nothing because you decided to pull our troops out too early, just in time for terrorism to grow at an all time high with lethal and vicious factions like ISIS and Boko Haram! 13 years of hard work, sacrifice and loss so that you can throw it all down the drain with your fictitious “concern” for our troops! The problem is we can see right through your façade! Because while you talk a good talk, your walk shows something completely different! Bowing down to your muslim friends and acquiescing to their demands, both in their own lands and ours, and at the same time cutting down American military salaries while continuing to arm terrorists! “… The shadow of crisis has passed and the state of the union is strong!” Says the man who illegally used his “pen” to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants who threaten American lives and drain us of the few resources we have left! Oh, and also has left this country unprotected by refusing to address the border crisis in Texas, Arizona and California! Strong my eye! “In 2 weeks I will send this Congress a budget filled with ideas that are practical, not partisan.” Oh, I see… “Practical, not partisan” eh? In other words I’ll do what I want, I have absolutely no intention of working with the Republicans and if you don’t like it, reject it and send another budget to me I’ll veto it! Simple, isn’t it??? To continue… Blah blah blah “great economy”, yak, yak, yak, “highest job growth in years”, yadda, yadda, yadda stage props Rebecca and Ben Earler of Minneapolis ready to be used by the POTUS and FLOTUS for their own agenda! And then, the clincher… “This is good news, people!” Wink… OH. MY. GOD!!!! He actually winked!!! America as we’ve known her is up in flames, dying a slow and painful death and Nero is winking while playing his fiddle! Did I miss anything??? “We can’t slow down businesses or put our economy at risk with government shutdowns or fiscal showdowns, we can’t put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance, … or refighting past battles on immigration when we’ve got to fix a broken system… AND IF A BILL COMES TO MY DESK THAT TRIES TO DO ANY OF THESE THINGS, I WILL VETO IT!” And there it is! First, the threat is veiled, but then with the thundering boom of overreaching, Constitution destroying, dictatorial power grab, the veil comes crashing down and BO’s full on kingly agenda stands grossly naked on display for everyone to see! “My policies work, I will do what I want and I am not interested in different ideas nor do I care what the people want!” Of course he doesn’t! Because “big daddy government” knows best what you need and you’ll thank me later, lemmings! Now shut up and go worship my golden image! During last November’s elections he said he may not be on the ballot, but his policies are! Well, his “policies” took a remarkably epic nose dive when the country lit up like a Christmas tree filled with red ornaments and even die hard blue states like Illinois and New Mexico voted Republican! And yet, this arrogant, self important SOB stands full of pride in front of the very people that categorically rejected his policies announcing that he has no intention of changing his course and we just have to suck it up! I don’t know about you, but when he does that, my revolutionary tendencies come boiling up to the surface and I’m ready to lock and load!! Anyone else?? “Tonight, together, let’s do more to restore the link between hard work and growing opportunity for every American.” Hard work??? Really??? What would you know about hard work?? Unless, of course, by “hard work” you mean smoking pot while having your peeps take a picture of you doing it, “community organizing” blacks against whites while touting coming together in unity and growing your net worth from $1.3 million in 2007 to $7 to $10 million in 2014, over 438%, while sitting on you’re a$$ with your feet up in the oval office and sending more millions and F16’s to terrorists and freeing their vicious leaders from gitmo, than, yeah, I guess you do work hard! At “fundamentally changing America” by destroying her from the inside out that is! To continue… Pandering! Pandering to the gay community, pandering to women, pandering to the black community… Pandering, pandering and more PANDERING!! Here’s a good one: “That’s why this congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. I mean it’s… it’s 2015… It’s time!” Oh, OK! Hey, that sounds good to me and since our grand protector, demi-god Obama is so determined and like flint about this particular issue, I bet he leads by example, right? WRONG! Because, according to the Washington Post “The average male White House employee currently earns about $88,600, while the average female White House employee earns about $78,400. That is a gap of 13 percent.” Well, well… Lookie here who doesn’t play by the rules he wants everyone else in the country to play by! Oh, and those would be his rules, in case you were wondering! Hey, but don’t worry! He is not doing anything every one of his counter part socialist dictators haven’t done! The ol’ “do what I say not what I do shtick”! And you know what? It worked for each and every one of them… Until it didn’t! I’m looking forward to that part! “And everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you can work full time and still raise a family on $15,000 a year, try it!” Whoa, whoa, whoa, Nellie! Slow down a little cause you just lost me! Who, EXACTLY is still working full time and raising a family making only $15K a year??? I’m thinking NO ONE! The majority of people who make $15K a year work part time at fast food restaurants and are young 17 and 18 year olds living in their parents homes saving for the future! I hope! Oh, and BTW, about that Congress should try living on $15K a year thing I say this: you first, you gigantic hypocrite! Not to mention the fact that those places that pay $15K a year have had to cut down their employees to part time because they cannot afford to buy health insurance for them due to your brain child, scary monster, socialized medicine that is obamacare! “That’s why I’m sending this Congress a bold, new plan to lower the cost of community college… to 0!” Yeah, well, the trouble is WE CAN’T AFFORD TO DO THAT! First of all… And, second of all, just how many heart surgeons, nuclear engineers, wall street financial magnates and CEO’s of major corporations do you know that got that job by going to community college??? Well, that would be a “0” too so I guess you’re on the right track… The community college people get jobs like assistants, and nurses and receptionists and IT data entry… Not that those jobs are not important or needed but, please, don’t make it sound like not having to pay for community college will make us more competitive in the job market because it won’t! It will only add to the financial burden this country is under and it won’t help anyone get the high paying jobs you’re talking about! Those go to graduates of Yale and Princeton and Harvard and Stanford and MIT! So when you get the fat cats running those liberal cesspools to lower their gigantic tuitions, then come back and talk to me! Until then, stop blowing hurricane proportion winds out of your mouth! You’re making everybody nauseous! “… when it comes to issues of infrastructure and basic research I know there is bipartisan support in this chamber. Members of both parties have told me so. Where we too often run onto the rocks is how to pay for these investments” Ah! And the hammer drops! Cause financing all those grand ideas from the grand mufti BO ‘gonna take some greenbacks to make it happen! Well, of course… So, what’s your solution, oh deluded one?? Simple… We gotta make sure we tax the “rich” until the breaking point! Really?... Please say it isn’t so!!! Oh, yes it is… Because: “… for far too long lobbyists have rigged the tax code with loop holes that let some corporations pay nothing while others pay full freight! They’ve riddled it with give aways that the super rich don’t need…” Wait… I’m confused… Who, exactly is the corporation that doesn’t pay any taxes and is “riddled” with give aways?? He wouldn’t be talking about Soros and his businesses who’s got BO and all his cronies in his pocket would he??? UGH! Too bad for BO though that when he was spewing his “let’s tax the rich” rhetoric yet AGAIN, the camera panned to Paul Ryan. And let me tell ya’… That man’s face looked like he just ate a whole bucket of bad clams at Johnny’s sea food shack and was about to bestow his fare “share” all over everybody around him! Because who better to know the reality of what it takes to pay for liberal unicorn ideas than someone like Ryan who actually knows a thing or two about proper financial management. Don’t get me wrong. I actually do LOVE the idea of populating other planets. No, really! Trekie girl through and through! But before we start spending millions on that idea, could we, perhaps, worry about more pressing issues like, oh, I don’t know, finding a way to employ at least half of the nearly 50% unemployed Americans here, on good old planet Earth??? Hm, pumpkin??? “My first duty as commander-n-chief is to defend the United States of America.” Oh, boy… Here we go… I don’t even know where to start… Or what to say… Does he even hear himself talk??? To begin with, he STILL continues to call ISIS, ISIL, which stands of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which, by it’s definition, makes a huge area that includes Cyprus, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine all part of an Islamic state. The problem with that? That area also includes Israel, who’s a Jewish sovereign state, definitely not part of islam! So, by calling it ISIL, the president of the United States of America is pretty much making it known to the whole world that he does NOT recognize the sovereignty of Israel! Anyone surprised?? You gotta watch to get the jest of the rest of this crap shoot part of the speech because my head is hurting and my stomach is starting to feel like it’s about to expel it’s contents… Hint: he’s pretty much saying that the ISIL “problem is under control”, that we need to apply diplomacy and not force, that we can make friends and play footsies with Cuba by ending the embargo (oh, GOD!!), all of this while throwing jabs at and making fun of Putin… Smart move! Barf… Oh, and cue stage prop #2, Alan Gross… A US government subcontractor who was arrested in 2009 in Cuba and accused of crimes against the Cuban state for the simple act of bringing satellite phones and computer equipment to Cuba’s Jewish community! And THAT'S the country we want to be “friends” with, huh?? Later they also accused him of working for the US intelligence and he was imprisoned until December 2014. Perfect to be used for the Obama’s “bleeding hearts” agenda of showing the world the lengths they go to for the American people! This while not moving a finger to free Sergeant Tahmooressi from Mexico or, even more startling, American citizen Pastor Saeed Abedini who’s been held up and tortured for over 2 years in Iran’s Evin prison for his Christian faith! I guess those 2 didn’t meet the criteria of furthering the would be king and queen’s political agenda! Oh, and did I mention that in order to get the Cuban government to release Gross, the American government had to release some of the “Cuban Five”, a group of men from Cuba who were arrested for conspiracy to commit murder and espionage against the United States?? Remind you of anyone? Hint: Traitor Bergdahl and the Islamic terrorists released to bring him home… Yeah! And now for the part we have all been waiting for with bated breath: Global Warming! According to his majesty, the naked emperor, “No challenge… NO CHALLENGE poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change” WOW!!! That is EPIC! The sheer stupidity and delusion of this impostor and his cronies is mind-boggling! “2014 was the planet’s warmest year on the record” Wait, what??? Where does he get his information??? Must be from the record low and freezing temps that plagued this country in October and November this year! Yeah, that’s it! He’s just confusing “record warm” with “record low” That’s easy to do, right? We’ve all done it from time to time… And it’s all for the good of all of us… Because it couldn’t be for the good of the pockets of fat cats like Al Gore and for ensuring that he keeps the votes of the liberal nut job, climate change psychos out there for his democrat buddies! No, that couldn’t be it… It’s because “climate change”, AKA WEATHER, is soooo much more dangerous than crazed Islamic terrorists who will kill you to prove how peaceful they are, or the ever rising racial crimes in the US, or the fact that college graduates can’t find a job or the fact that we are being invaded by criminals for all over the world who are threatening our way of life and even our personal lives! No! That’s just not it! Papa Obama loves us and he wants to prove it by spending even more billions of dollars that we don’t have to save us from… bad weather! And again with the threats! Making sure that we all know he will continue to use his phone and his pen to make it even harder for the oil and gas industry to survive so that all the people who will end up out of a job, adding to the enormous amount of the unemployed will be safe and sound and breathe the cleaner air! Well, that’s good! Cause with the executive actions and veto’s he’s threatening to unleash on us, that’s where many people will end up – thrown out of their homes and sleeping in the open! So we’ll need that clean air! Although, if you think about it, homeless people kind of appreciate it when it’s not freezing outside, so perhaps a little global warming won’t hurt us after all? Continuing… Aaanndd he had to go there! Giving a subtle shout out to his buddies, the muslims by alluding to how he “prohibited” torture… Of violent 9/11 terrorists that is! And how the use of drones is “properly constrained”… Oh, you mean like how it was properly constrained when it obliterated an American citizen and his 16 year old son a few years ago without a chance of being brought before a jury of his peers because you decided he was a threat? Oh, OK, I got it! That kind of constraint! And, of course, let us not forget that “we continue to reject offensive stereotypes of muslims, the VAST MAJORITY of whom SHARE OUR COMMITMENT TO PEACE” HA!! That’s a laugh! Why don’t you tell that to all the Christians who are being murdered right now, as I write this by those so “committed to peace”! What a joke! Oh, and P.S. POTUS says: “It’s time to close GITMO!” Yeah… Why don’t we do that! Let’s release even more of those “peace loving” blood thirty terrorists into the world! And now on to another pressing issue: The unconstitutional, over reaching and apparently never ending illegal gun grab this pResident is so famous for! But don’t expect him to be honest about his real motivation behind this unconstitutional move! Oh, no! He’s gonna go straight for the emotional jugular and tell you how he “mourned with grieving families in Tucson, Boston, West Texas and West Virginia…” And he even mentioned the never proven black flag operation of Newtown, cause that’s just how he rolls! God almighty in Heaven, he just never lets up does he?? And speaking of never letting up, how ‘bout that little pearl about “breaking out of the tired, old patterns of constant fund raising”? I mean I was drinking some water and I think some of it came out my nose when I busted out laughing! He wouldn’t be talking about his own never ending campaign of “constant fund raising” for his democrat pals, would he! Because last time I looked, as of October 2014 he had participated in a whopping 374 fundraisers, including the phenomenally vomit inducing last one at Gwyneth Paltrow’s house which caused quite a stir when the hostess gushed about being BO's biggest fan and how he is soo handsome, she can’t talk properly! Not that she ever did… And all of this since taking office! In other words, on taxpayer’s dime! And of course, who could ever forget the famous Las Vegas fundraiser, held for his majesty by Jay Z and Beyoncé, on the very day after the bloody Benghazi attack and while Chris Stevens was being tortured and killed by Islamic muslims and 3 American marines were being gunned down while desperately asking for help from their commander-n-chief! That act alone would have been political career suicide for any other president! But… Not for him! And he has the nerve to mention “constant fundraising”??? Really??? UGH! Physician heal thyself! Obviously I could spend days and countless pages talking about this joke of a #SOTU address, but needless to say, it was a frightening amalgam of lies, deception, veiled and not so veiled threats and of course very subtle but sure promises that if Congress doesn’t agree with him and passes his failed policies, he will act alone! But, in all fairness, there was one thing he was absolutely truthful about! “My only agenda for the next two years is the same as the one I’ve had since the day I swore an oath on the steps of this capital. To do what I BELIEVE is best for America!” That’s right buddy! What you believe! Unfortunately, your anti-colonialism, anti free enterprise, anti America and pro gigantic government, pro socialism and pro muslim beliefs clash completely with American values! And when you promised to fundamentally change this country, what many people thought you meant was not even close to what you actually meant! And the biggest problem with doing what you believe is best for America is that that is not the oath you actually took! The oath you took promised to uphold and maintain the Constitution of the United States of America! And since your actions have been the exact opposite of that, you, in actuality did not do what you promised to do, nor what you were elected to do! So here you have it folks… My take on the 2015 #SOTU address! And to think that the brainless libertards are willingly and happily singing a happy tune, worshiping their golden god while being led to the slaughter! I will never understand that kind of stubborn ignorance in the face of so much obvious deception and evil! My head is still spinning and I am still wondering just exactly WHEN did I go to sleep in America and woke up in communist Romania… May God truly help us all!            

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Selective amnesia my foot!

You know, I was thinking about starting a blog entitled "Stuff I really, REALLY don't like". But, honestly, that list's been growing so much since, oh, I don't know, about 2008 on that I'm afraid I will sound like the most negative person on earth! But there are some things I REALLY feel the need to talk about… Take Dinesh D'Souza for example… I really LOVE this guy! He is a conservative, intelligent man who also happens to be a Christian and happens to have had an almost prophetic, bang on prediction about would be king Obama in his mega successful documentary 2016: Obama's America. What I don't like? His personal choices, of late… Here's what I mean. Dinesh married his wife Dixie in 1992. They have a daughter together. Now Dinesh is well known for his conservative views, not just in the arena of politics but also in the arena of life in general. He is a promoter of conventional marriage and Christian values as they apply to the commitment of marriage. Except in 2012 he seemed to have conveniently developed amnesia regarding those values because he showed up at some Christian convention with a woman who wasn't his wife, who was 23 years his junior and whom he proceeded to introduce as his fiancé… And if that is not problematic enough, at the time he was still married to his wife of 20 years and the trophy arm candy in question was married to her husband of about 10 months… When people started to, shall we say, state the obvious, Dinesh proceeded to say that he didn't know that it was frowned upon in Christian circles to be engaged to one woman while married to another. Really, Dinesh?? This is the best explanation a man of your intelligence and character could come up with? OK… Well, he may have been "casual" about what is and is not frowned upon in Christian circles but it cost him his lucrative 7 figure salary presidency of The King's College in NY and earned him a sound thrashing in liberal publications. Here's the thing: there is a real problem that arises when Christian conservative men have trouble keeping their pythons tucked in and neatly zipped up inside their pants – they boycott and undermine the very principles and conservative values they are trying to promote! Not to mention they obliterate their own credibility and become fodder for the pshyco liberals who are desperately looking for any slip up whatsoever to use as a means to distract everyone from the real issues that are plaguing this nation in this present darkness! And, bonus, they cripple the rest of us who are promoting and supporting those conservative men when liberals start yelling in our faces and wave around their indiscretions and we become powerless to deny or justify what they did. Because how can any conservative woman or man for that matter justify such behavior and not come off as a complete and utter hypocrite! When a man like, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger who’s a Christian and who spent more than half his life supporting and promoting conservative values while being right smack dab in the middle of the Kennedy Camelot, one of the most liberal families in this country and married to one of the more liberal women from this liberal family, turns out to have fathered a “love” child with the maid while married to Maria Shriver, he and his ideas and values, instead of affecting the change we need, become nothing more than the punch line of liberal jokes! And, all of the sudden Maria’s off the charts pshyco liberal publication, The Shriver Report doesn’t seem that bad anymore, even to conservative women, who are now more focused on the hardship Arnold’s betrayal caused her than on the skewed views and Nazi feminism of this publication on every issue pertaining to women’s lives. And why shouldn’t they be? Because, while I do concede that being married to a liberal feminist is more than likely NOT a bed of roses and it probably involves a great deal of bitchiness, emasculation and verbal castration, that is still not a reason to be deceitful and unfaithful to a woman you picked, knowing very well her political leanings. In fact, conservative men and women and especially Christian conservative men and women who are in politics or have influential positions in the public eye, MUST realize that what goes on behind closed doors IS important. They must realize that now more than ever, this country needs solid conservatives with solid lives, void of closet skeletons that can help pull this country out of the black hole vortex that Obama and his cronies have pushed us into! And while I am aware that we are all human and we all make mistakes and that no one is perfect, I am also painfully aware that the devil is now using his puppets more aggressively than he’s ever used them before in order to bring about the complete destruction of this magnificent land. And as such, Christian conservatives HAVE GOT to buckle down and hold on to Jesus stronger than they have ever been! So Dinesh, you may have had a little moment of temporary insanity, and you may have said that you were not, in fact, having an affair and you may say you and your wife were already separated during that insanity moment… But since the divorce is not final and you did break off the “engagement” to the woman who was a whopping 9 YEARS OLD when you got married the first time, I respectfully suggest you get back on the right “horse” so to speak and do us Christian conservatives proud again! Because while I do not believe the whole voter fraud thing and I’m happy to defend you on that one, there is no way I can defend that… other… thing, or the lame-a** explanation you gave for it!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

I love you with the love of the Lord...

"In Jesus Christ the reality of God has entered into the reality of this world. The place where the questions about the reality of God and about the reality of the world are answered at the same time is characterized solely by the name: Jesus Christ. God and the world are enclosed in this name . . . we cannot speak rightly of either God or the world without speaking of Jesus Christ. All concepts of reality that ignore Jesus Christ are abstractions. As long as Christ and the world are conceived as two realms bumping against and repelling each other, we are left with only the following options. Giving up on reality as a whole, either we place ourselves in one of the two realms, wanting Christ without the world or the world without Christ—and in both cases we deceive ourselves. . . . There are not two realities, but only one reality, and that is God’s reality revealed in Christ in the reality of the world. Partaking in Christ, we stand at the same time in the reality of God and in the reality of the world. The reality of Christ embraces the reality of the world in itself. The world has no reality of its own independent of God’s revelation in Christ. . . . The theme of two realms, which has dominated the history of the church again and again, is foreign to the New Testament.

Such people neither steal, nor murder, nor commit adultery, but do good according to their abilities. But they must close their eyes and ears to the injustice around them. Only at the cost of self-deception can they keep their private blamelessness clean from the stains of responsible action in the world. In all that they do, what they fail to do will not let them rest. They will either be destroyed by this unrest, or they will become the most hypocritical of all Pharisees." Dietrich Bonhoeffer

For the longest time, but especially after the 2008 presidential elections, I have lived with this nagging feeling in the back of my head that, despite the fact that I am a Christian and I love the Lord, I am somehow, not spiritual enough, not relying on Jesus enough, not trusting Him enough. The reasons for this feeling? First, my tendency to focus on the present darkness of the world and be angered by what I perceive to be an irritating apathy amongst Christians here and everywhere else in the world regarding what is happening and second the barrage of statements in songs, FB postings, Christian articles, private conversations with friends, etc. that all seem to say exactly the same things: "Trust God…", "This is supposed to happen", "What can we do other than pray and believe God will take care of us", "If this is God's will for the end of times there is nothing we can do to stop it", etc., etc.… Being flooded with such things, having the desire to do the right thing and feeling guilty about not "trusting" God more, lately I actually started to believe I am, indeed, going about this all wrong, that I am too much "of the world" and that I do need to just trust God while continuing to live my life as if nothing is happening. Because, after all, the end is inevitable and God places leaders in their place and we have to respect them and so on and so forth! But then my husband started reading the book Bonhoeffer, a biography written by Eric Metaxas and as he started coming across some of Bonhoeffer’s quotes, he also started seeing striking similarities between Bonhoeffer’s way of thinking and expression regarding Christianity and Christians as it pertained to the times he lived in and my own way of thinking and expression as it pertains to the times we are living in now. My husband read to me many passages from this book but the above quote commanded my attention especially. Now, I have no wish to be insulting or offensive to anyone or prideful in any way. But… I have always had a tendency to be my own worst critic, to believe that if it looks like I am at fault in something or if it looks like I am doing something wrong then, more likely, I am! And this time around was no different. However, as I read the above quote a light bulb turned on in my head and I felt liberated! You see, Bonhoeffer lived in Hitler’s time and was a Christian and a minister of the word, a pastor. But he did not become known for his pastorship but rather for his dislike of what his people, the Christians of the time, did or rather did not do when Hitler started to take the steps necessary to becoming a vicious dictator who killed 6 million Jews and countless of his own German countrymen that disagreed with him and, also, for his own stand against this cruel dictator, which ultimately cost him his life. He saw that at a point in time when the Christians still had power, when they could have spoken up against what they were seeing loud enough that they could have been heard and brought about change, most of them either chose to turn a blind eye to the truth and follow and agree with the oppressors or buried their heads in the ground as it were, lived in a bubble of wholesome sounding spiritual words, invoking such things as “God is in control” and ultimately sinning against their own conscience. Because in the end, when Hitler’s thirst for blood became all encompassing and his vengeful and suspicious mind played only the refrain of absolute obedience, it was no longer enough that people just sat on the sidelines, neither for nor against his policies and beliefs but they had to agree wholeheartedly with him or be executed. The point being that in situations such as these, whether we take a stand from the beginning of our own accord or are forced to take a stand in the end by the very usurpers we pretended are not “that bad” after all, we will have to take a stand! Fast forward to today… I personally believe that we live in a time very similar to the one Bonhoeffer lived in and as such we are standing upon the brink of seeing everything we hold dear be trampled under foot by evil men with evil agendas until there is nothing left of the life we knew and loved. But, by the same token, we are also, I believe at that point in time when we can still stand up, speak, do, refuse to ignore and actually be heard!! And as Bonhoeffer before me, the Christian “bubble” in which everything except prayer, is left up to God to do for us, angers me! Because are we not His hands? Are we not His feet and His mouth? Are we not His body? Are we really going to just sit on the side lines, pretending that things aren’t as bad as they seem, chucking it all up to “God is in control” and “it’s happened before and it all worked out”, making those among us who dare to point out the truth feel guilty about “being too involved in the world” and “not having enough trust in God”??? Are we really going to pretend that being “a child of the most High God” means a cushy existence with big houses, new cars, big TV’s and every comfort known to men at our disposal while touting self righteous beliefs fueled by misunderstood scriptures taken out of context to suit our own desires and not speak against evil for fear that our existence will be disturbed? Are we really going to have the mentality that says let’s live our lives, eating, drinking, having a good time with our friends, getting together in big, expensive buildings to “worship” God while everything is crumbling around us because, after all we live here, in America where we have laws against such Machiavellian things like the ones Hitler did?? How do we “worship” God? What does “worship” really mean? Going to church every Sunday, having spiritual gatherings during the week, getting fat on the word of God and having prayer groups while quoting scriptures to those in need or those who’s eyes are actually opened to the realities around us?? I am not saying that I have the answer as to exactly what we can DO other than prayer and belief but I am saying that refusing to even do as small a thing as being vocal against what is happening because we don’t want to surround ourselves with “negativity” is wrong! I am saying that putting our heads in the sand and focusing only on our own personal little worlds while ignoring reality is wrong!! I am saying that spouting spiritual sounding words in order to try and silence those who are vocal about the reality around us because they are stirring within us questions and fears we would rather not deal with, is wrong!! I know there must be a balance, I know that no one can survive and stay sane today on a steady diet of only the evil surrounding us. I know that trust in God and belief in His love and His plan is vital in times such as these. But I also know that we have a duty as Christians to step off the hallelujah cloud and into reality and, at the very least, stand up, even if only verbally, against the evil around us! I actually do believe what Bonhoeffer said – that if we don’t, if we choose to, as he put it, close our eyes and ears to the injustice around us, we will have to do so only at the cost of self-deception, and that in all that we do, what we fail to do will not let us rest. And, in the end we will either be destroyed by this unrest, or we will become the most hypocritical of all Pharisees. These are his words but I believe they could be true and I believe that these things he said may be one reason why many Christians today feel unfulfilled and tired, even while doing “good works”, with a constant gnawing at their soul that they cannot explain which leads them either to apathy and sin or to super spirituality and self righteousness which are also in themselves sinful! So what is the answer? I am not sure… But I am convinced that each of us can learn something from the above Bonhoeffer quote and that we can come before God and with a truly sincere heart ask Him to reveal what He would have us DO! And that we can pray that He will give us the strength to recognize the right thing to do and the strength to do it in every situation that comes before us, regardless of fears, regardless of what is popular, regardless of whom we end up offending!  
