Thursday, October 25, 2012

Middle East, Schmiddle East....

Honestly, I am relieved the debates are over. Not that I don't think they are important or anything; it's just that after a while things really do get a tad redundant. Obama lies! He says everything is OK, that the country and our international relations are better then they were when he took office. He got the raw end of the deal, it's Bush's fault, we gotta tax the rich and build those bridges and roads. Then Romney lays out his plan, he is clear and concise, says he will not tax the middle class, he will create millions of jobs, he will not ship jobs over seas, he will get people off food stamps by giving them a good place to work and he will create a comprehensive health care plan that makes sense, among other things. Oh, yeah, and, despite his personal liking, he thinks Big Bird is a lazy-ass gobbler of tax payers money and he's gotta go bye bye birdie! Oh, well... Then Obama comes back and shows us he's apparently suffering from severe deafness because he says Romney will tax the middle class and he will ship jobs over seas. Then he plies us with some blinding smoke and mirrors and makes a big deal out of Big Bird hoping we won't notice the unmitigated disaster that was Benghazi-gate. Then he lies some more, apparently also suffering from Obama-mnesia and, once again reminds us just how important those dang bridges and roads really are. Then it's over, the candidates smile, they shake hands and hug, kiss their wives and go home as if they didn't spend the last hour and a half trying to undermine one another and blow each other's platforms to smithereens. But hey, you know what? That's OK. Because the truth is this is what true democracy is all about. And one of the most amazing rights of a free nation is the right to vote. So the debates have their place, and on a serious note I am grateful for them.

There have been many subjects that have been discussed during those 3 presidential debates we have witnessed and I may, at one point, elaborate on all of them. But there is one subject which, in my humble opinion, is the most important one of them all and that is the very volatile situation in the middle east. Shockingly, I actually do not agree with either candidates when it comes to this particular conundrum and that is because I believe Obama is secretly or not so secretly for Jihad and Sharia Law and Romney, unfortunately, has to play it safe. Now, before I even start, I want to warn the reader that what I am about to write will undoubtedly, offend someone. And that is because our wonderful country and even the world, for the last 10 years or so, has been relentlessly plagued by a very treacherous and also very contagious disease called "political correctness". It is one of the most vile diseases known to men and, apparently, there is no cure. In fact, the more time passes, the stronger this terrible virus gets! It tells us that we are wrong to tell the truth if, God forbid, that truth may offend someone. It tells us we have to be "tolerant" and "accepting" even when the things it asks us to be tolerant and accepting of stand against everything we believe and hold dear.

Well, dear heart, in this case I am not going to be politically correct. Partly because this is still America, this is my blog and I am still somewhat free to express my views and partly because I am fed up! And so, I am standing up and I am boldly declaring that there is only one way to resolve the volatile situation in the middle east and that is DESTROY ISLAM! Shocking I know, especially in the light of our own Constitution which I love and want to see everyone uphold, and who's 1st amendment is very clear about freedom of religion. I agree with freedom of religion and it is one of the cornerstones of this wonderful nation. However, there are two things I would like to submit for your thinking pleasure. One is that the 1st amendment, when it comes to freedom of religion, states that religious gatherings must be peaceful. Now, when was the last time any Islamic gathering was peaceful? How about - NEVER! The way I see it, that right there makes Islam ineligible for the 1st amendment protection! And the second thing I'd like to submit is that, in fact Islam is not a religion at all, but rather it is a large excuse, a convenient cloak for violence, intolerance, gross chauvinism, hatred and murder!

You see, my friends, Islam is a plague! For thousands of years it has been responsible for millions of deaths, under the guise of religious purity, more slaughter in fact than all other "religions" combined. It has no tolerance, it has no respect and it has no acceptance. It teaches that women are less than dogs, that dogs are unclean and need to be exterminated and anyone who does not share the beliefs of Islam is fair game for murder. It wants to take over the world and it has no use for democracy and freedom. And as big as this problem is, there is an even a bigger problem at hand. You see, despite what anyone says our war is not with Al-quida or any other muslim extremist terrorist group. Our war is with Islam itself! The reason for this conclusion is simple - ALL MUSLIM TERRORISTS HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON - THEY ARE ISLAMISTS! Islam is their religion and their thirst for blood comes from their beliefs. The Qu'ran, which is the Islamic holy book teaches violence; it teaches Islam followers that it is their duty to burn and pillage, destroy and murder those who choose not to submit to the Islamic beliefs. Jihad, which literally means "holy war" is an Islamic term. It does not belong in any other religion and it does not pertain to any people other than the Islamic muslims. The Sharia Law is an Islamic law and it is THE law in every Islamic country on earth! Without Islam there would be no Jihadists and without Jihadists there would be no terrorist attacks in the name of Islam! Each and every muslim that is also a follower of Islam will be subject to becoming a terrorist simply because it is the Islamic belief that terrorizing and murdering those who are against it, is a mandate from Allah and his prophet Muhammad for each and every Islamic believer. To them this is their destiny and so as long as Islam exists there will be terror! Terrorism is not confined to a few extremists cells, as so many politicians, especially the ones from the democratic party, would have us believe. Islam IS terrorism and terrorism IS Islam! There is no distinction now and there will never be one. There is no way to separate the two and that is because of the teachings of the Islam prophet Muhammad.

In the last debate, three things were mentioned that would be paramount in order for democracy to really happen in those muslim nations who want it. President Obama said that in order to really follow a democratic model those nations are going to have to treat women equally, they will have to allow them to be educated and  they will have be tolerant of minority religions. Well, that is all fine and dandy however it is also impossible. Islam is utterly, completely, unequivocally and without hope of turning AGAINST ALL of those things. The reason why women are not treated equally in muslim nations is because of what Islam teaches! The reason why women are not allowed to go to school and get an education is because of what Islam teaches! The reason why minority religions, like, for example, Christianity or Judaism are not tolerated is because... Anyone?? That's right! It is, once again because of what Islam teaches. As long as Islam exists there will be no peace with the middle east! It is delusional, naive and irresponsible to think that you can separate Islamic muslims from the Qu'ran teachings and their beliefs. It is just as futile as trying to separate the eggs, milk and sugar from the cake after it has been baked! It cannot be done!

These people don't just believe the things I have mentioned above about women, about other religions and about those who do not share the Islamic credo, also known as infidels. These people ARE their beliefs, they live to fulfill what they see as their duty and as long as they remain followers of Islam they will never change! And so, the logical conclusion is that ISLAM MUST BE DESTROYED! It is the ONLY effective solution to the "problem" in the middle east. I know it is hard to hear and I know that many people cringe at the very idea of what they would call "religious persecution" if Islam were to be eliminated! But I also know that as long as there will be those faithful to Islam there will be terrorism! They are one and the same, they cannot be separated and they never will be. To believe otherwise is to be deceived! And to allow Islam to survive and thrive is to continue placing the whole non-Islamic world in the path of danger. Because, after all...

Need I say more?    

Friday, October 12, 2012

America is NOT laughing Mr. Biden!

OK, so I watched the VP debates... Here's my conclusion - there is no doubt to me that Biden, incredibly, actually had more confidence and seemed more informed than Obama did. However, there were a couple of big problems. Nr.1 Biden kept going back to issues that were already discussed in the presidential debate. Case in point - the middle class tax increase. Obama accused Romney of the same thing and Romney said, what, 5 or 6 times, more even, that he will NOT raise taxes on the middle class! He even provided facts as to what he's going to do regarding the budget and it did not include raising taxes on the middle class. Plain and simple... Yet Biden went back to that several times even though, of course, Ryan reaffirmed what Romney said. Nr.2 - Biden was condescending and disrespectful to Ryan. There's no need for that and that alone shows me Biden's character.

Now on the middle east issue - you know I am not a laureate, I am not a nobel prize winner, I am not a foreign policy and war strategist and yet even I can see the glaring failures of the Obama administration on it's foreign policies. We are weaker and less credible because of Obama's consistent support of leaders with ties to the muslim brotherhood. We are weaker because of military budget cuts and we are weaker because of this president's wishy-washy attitudes and unnecessary apologies for America and our way of life. No matter what Obama/Biden say, Libya was a disaster and the American people were lied to. Egypt has been given billions in financial aid and this administration took down a democratic president while supporting Mohamed Morsi, a known member of the muslim brotherhood. In Syria a dictator is being allowed to continue his terror on his own people and be a threat to our national security through his support of Al qaeda... And Afghanistan... Oh, dear...

You know the brave people in our military put their lives on the line every day for this country. Many of them died already in Afghanistan... Now, doesn't it make more sense that before we do pull our troupes out in 2014 we MAKE SURE that the terrorists are under control? Besides, it's always a risk there... No one knows if those supposed allies within the Afghan troupes are really allies... We know very well that al qaeda has no problem infiltrating these people and deceiving the Afghan and American troupes there into thinking they are allies when in fact they're waiting to strike from within. Folks, let's not make the deaths of those Americans that already gave their lives in Afghanistan, sacrifices made in vain! They should make sure that the Afghan people can hold their own and that the terrorists are not just waiting, like Ryan said, biding their time until 2014 arrives and then strike again. Because if that happens, the Afghans will not be the only ones affected! We all will through the alliance between the Afghan and Iranian terrorists!

In the end to me and I hope the majority Americans, it is clear who should win this election and who would have the best interests of America and it's people at heart - Romney/Ryan!

I pray they will win! It is time to take America back to its founding principles!

Friday, October 5, 2012

America the beautiful, America the fed up!

I'd like to remind everyone about an event that took place 71 years ago... It was a beautiful Sunday morning in Hawaii. The sea was calm, the breeze was pleasant and everyone was waking up, ready for a new day. Then, out of no where disaster struck! Japanese airplanes, "zeros" as our navy boys so appropriately called them, flew over Pearl Harbor and started pelting it with bombs. It was an unprovoked attack! The Japs crossed OUR borders and attacked America, by their own volition, unprovoked! Over 2400 people were killed, including civilians. The attack was well planned and it started early morning, taking the service men by surprise. The Jap's attack was successful... They crippled our naval base. And yet, Ysokoru Yamamoto, the Jap general who led the attack made a very interesting statement: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." 

For the past 4 years, America's values, her Constitution, her founding principles and her freedoms have been systematically broken, attacked ignored and demeaned. The American way of life, our democracy has been insulted and apologized for and an agenda, completely and utterly opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has been shoved down people's throats. Right now, to the enemy we look defeated and weak but I have faith in God and the American spirit! This is still God's country and we are NOT defeated and we are NOT weak! Not by a long shot! I believe that all that the past 4 years have done is to AWAKEN A SLEEPING GIANT AND FILL HER WITH A TERRIBLE RESOLVE! The eagle is still soaring!   

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A brilliant speech of Machiavellian deceptive proportions

I have had bad sinus problems for a few days now and since they did not seem to go away I finally decided to go to the doctor. As I walked in the waiting area I realized there were more like me there and prepared to wait a little. To pass my time, I started watching TV and lo and behold what should I see playing but President Obama's speech given to the UN assembly. Now there is no secret that there is no love lost between me and the overt socialist/islamic muslim Barack Hussein Lenin Obama and so I expected that his speech would infuriate me. I expected I would be vexed and enraged but what actually transpired surprised, amazed and initially baffled me more than I would have thought possible. Because instead of hearing the tired barrage of apologies for America's values and way of life, instead of hearing a pro muslim and anti Christian rant, instead of witnessing backwards tiptoeing from his initial pre-election pro-stand for the value of marriage and family which changed drastically after he won, instead of hearing all that I have been used to hearing for the past almost 4 years of presidency I was shocked to discover that, save a few muslim brotherhood and left wing butt kissing remarks, his whole speech was one that seemed to come right out of a highly rightist and sincerely conservative point of view. Now I think that whoever wrote that speech should be given an award. President Obama had no problem bringing up free speech, the right of each individual to be free to speak their mind, to believe what they want to believe without fear of consequence, he had no problem praising the values upon which America was built, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and equal opportunity! No individual, he said, should be imprisoned for what they believe and he even alluded to the fact that even though he knows some are saying negative things about him, he will continue to defend those individual's rights to do so. He went back to hinting that America is a Christian nation and made mention of the fact that he, along with millions of other individuals in America who are Christians do not respond violently when our beliefs are blasphemed like some muslim extremists do. He said that those who condemn the blasphemies against the prophet of islam should, if they are to be fair, also condemn the blasphemies against Jesus Christ and the denial that the Jewish holocaust happened. He went on to warn Iran to comply with UN sanctions and requests to be transparent and cooperative regarding their nuclear program and even said that the US will only ally themselves with those who give Israel a right to exist and be free. The speech contained with much more of the same and it was beautiful and brilliant. I sat, baffled watching and listening and wondered as time passed how in God's name can anyone be this deceptive... Now after the elections when, hopefully, the American people will have voted for a real change and placed Romney in the White House, Barack Obama should sign on for the next Dancing With the Stars episode because in this lowly girl's opinion our beloved deceiver'n'chief did his absolute best impression of a dancing bear, tangoing, waltzing and fox-trotting his way through the complicated and dangerous maze that is his breathless and desperate race to win the votes of those "undecided" people that might listen to his UN speech! Well, good going Mr. President! Absolutely, unequivocally well done! Too bad WE'RE NOT BUYING IT! Because after 4 years of broken promises, hollow speeches, blatant disregard for the Constitution of the United States, soaring unemployment, trillions of dollars of debt, apologies to psycho murdering islamic nut jobs, Ramadan dinners in the white house, bashing of the Christian bible and Christian values, lies regarding the Libyan embassy attack, billions of dollars in "military aid" to the muslim brotherhood, placing the pro-life protestors on the domestic terrorists list, etc., etc., etc., this speech, for those of us who have seen your willingness to sway with the tide so long as is benefits you and your agenda, does nothing but reaffirm and strengthen our resolve that you must be a one term president. Without a doubt the speech was timely, well written, brilliant and well spoken. But knowing all that has transpired in the last almost 4 years of the Obama administration I asked myself why would BO make such a speech knowing that those like me will know the true meaning behind it? Knowing that we will see the stark difference between his words at the UN assembly and his actions for the past nearly 4 years in office. Well it didn't take long and I found my answer. Now, knowing BO's deep roots in islam and his obvious love affair with the muslim brotherhood I realized that with this speech he has followed the islam model for deception to a T. How, you might ask? It's simple... The Qur'an forbids lying except in 3 cases: 1. Reconciliation among people, 2. In war and 3. Amongst spouses to keep peace in the family. Now leave aside the fact that the Bible, in stark contrast to the Qur'an is absolutely against lying in ANY circumstance and in fact encourages Christians to be truthful even unto death, trusting God for the outcome! Just focus on the 3 circumstances in which an islam believer is encouraged to lie. Nr.'s 1 and 2 are obviously the reason for BO's dancing bear deception. The time before the elections is crucial and it is short and in BO's view it is all out war! He must win the presidential seat in November and he must do it at any cost even if it is by temporarily acquiescing to and reconciling with those he knows he has offended and bring them over the party lines and unto his side. Brilliant indeed, and, I might add a very good example of a die hard muslim following to the letter the islamic model of deception. Because make no mistake, once muslims deceive unbelievers into thinking islam is loving and tolerant and bring them over to their side the real and relentless indoctrination begins and those who are unfortunate enough to find themselves in that situation will convert to islam and swear allegiance to allah and his prophet or they will die. And that is what, we who know and understand that one deceptive temporary turn cannot right all the wrongs committed in the past 4 years by this administration, must be vigilant about! BO's speech may have been brilliant and it may have touched on almost every sensitive and sore point the right wing conservatives have been concerned about but it was only a means to an end. Obama wants the presidency, he needs the presidency because after all the dreams from his father must be realized and America must pay! This is the real agenda and it does not include a government for the people and by the people as he so eloquently alluded to in his UN speech, nor does it include the rights the Constitution are giving to the American citizens. What his agenda does include is a socialist/communist view of this country with big government, small individual rights, government dependency and government control of every aspect of the citizen's lives, speech censure and limitations and even eradication of every freedom this country has enjoyed so far. The first amendment to the constitution will be ignored, or better yet rescinded, small enterprise closely controlled, health care socialized, public schools forced to follow government sanctions regardless of the parent's wills or wants and Christianity... Forced to stop preaching the Word of God or face dire consequences. In a second term Obama will not care about job approval ratings or reelections and so he will be free to unleash his anti-colonial and muslim beliefs on America in a way he has not done before thus completely transforming this great nation into a horrifying hybrid between a middle eastern islamic and chinese and ex-eastern european socialist/communist model that would bring the American people to their knees. And so I pray that God Himself will open the eyes of those that might be deceived into believing that this deceptive yet nonetheless brilliant UN speech is reflecting of Obama's true nature. As we have all seen in the past almost 4 years it is not and it will not be reflected in a second term in office. What remains now to be seen is whether or not this one well timed and well spoken speech will change the voting outcome in Mr. Obama's favor. And if it does I do hope that he will stay true to his UN speech declaration that he will defend my right of free speech to voice my concerns about what I believe to be his deceptive ways. Because, after all this isn't exactly a pro Obama blog post, now is it?                        

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How do you like them apples?

Meet  Mohammad Qatanani, the Imam at one of the largest mosques in the states, namely the New Jersey ICPC mosque and a self confessed member of the muslim brotherhood. He is one of those muslim leaders that keep singing like a nightingale about the peace and tolerance of muslims, about how the qur'an teaches love and understanding and respect, blah, blah, blah... I guess those kinds of people think the rest of the world is illiterate and cannot read for themselves the "love" taught in the qur'an... But I digress... Now Imam Qatanani lives here, in the state and every day he is privileged to enjoy the freedoms our constitution gives to all of us. Specifically the first amendment which guarantees freedom of speech and religion to Qatanani and his converts every day. So I'm guessing he's got it pretty good and I'm assuming he is grateful to live in a nation who's constitution affords him freedoms his lot does not give to anyone in any islamic nations, right? Well, not so fast. Recently, he had something to say regarding the violence of his people against Americans and American institutions all over the world supposedly brought on by some stupid, misguided little movie someone made about their prophet. Did he condemn the violence? No! Did he urge his muslim brothers to show some of that "love and tolerance" the qur'an supposedly teaches? No! Instead this is what he said: "We as Americans have to put limits and borders on freedom of speech... While Americans may have the freedom, they have no right to talk about muslim holy issues... as it will incite hatred or war among people." Well what do think of that?? The "peaceful" imam who "never condones violence" is basically telling us to ignore the freedoms given to us by our constitution and to put "limits" on those freedoms, keeping in mind that if we don't there will be violence against us. Interesting! Quite the deceptive little snake, isn't he? Qatanani continued his diatribe by adding that agitators who slander islam or more specifically the prophet incite violence therefore posing a national security risk that threatens the safety of Americans at home and abroad. Wow! WOW!! Here he is sitting pretty in his AMERICAN mosque on AMERICAN soil clearly making a veiled threat against the American people here and abroad. In his view the ones inciting the violence are not the deranged, violent fanatic muslims who are burning American buildings and killing American people but rather the inciters are those speaking against islam and the prophet. He continues his convenient and twisted view on the riots by, basically, giving us a warning that unless we stifle and limit freedom of speech these bloody riots will continue. The cherry on top? The implication that we are bringing the violence on our own heads if we refuse to pretty much swap the constitution for the muslim sharia law which, conveniently protects islam and the prophet by making it illegal to speak against them and by punishing those who do. You know, I think I've heard this kid of logic before... Oh, yes I remember... It is the same logic that in the muslim world and their twisted and diabolical thinking, makes a muslim woman who goes outside her house without her coverings fair game for being raped. And, of course, if she is raped, which happens all the time, the perpetrators go free or get slapped on the wrist while she is the one who is punished by their sharia law as, according to it, it is her fault for enticing the men and inciting them to violent behavior by merely going out without her coverings. Again, how convenient! And how similar this thinking is with Qatanani's "logic" regarding violence against Americans by the muslims. So, dear heart, there you have it. This may be America and the constitution may be our law, and it may be guaranteeing us freedom of speech but don't get too comfortable with it. And do you know why? Because, according to this American imam and the hundreds of thousands of American muslims just like him living in our neighborhoods, going to work in our institutions, sending their kids to the same schools with our kids, we as Americans need to put "limits and borders" on OUR freedoms in order to satisfy, pacify and accommodate them. Now let me ask you this: Are we as Americans not well within our rights to say "enough is enough"?? Is it not time to wake up and realize that we are being overcome and overtaken by these people who are slowly but successfully changing our laws from within while the current administration seems to be in a permanent sleep-walking state when it comes to muslims here and abroad?? Because let me tell you this fact - had this been a Christian pastor urging Americans to "put limits and borders on our freedom of speech" or there will be violence if we don't, there would have been breaking news all over the country with every left wing liberal there is and the media condemning said pastor and accusing every Christian of being religious fanatics, dangerous to the the American society and its freedoms. But a muslim making this statement and muslims all over the world being violent? Well, where is the braking news, where are the protests, where is the outrage? Apparently no where to be found... These people burn our embassies and we apologize, they kill our people and we celebrate their religious holidays and their leaders and now they make veiled threats from within our country basically promising us more violence if we don't change our ways to suit them and we say it is their right of free speech. Well I don't know about the rest of you but I think this is an outrage and the American people should not stand for it! And just about now I'm asking myself where is Franklin Delano Roosevelt when you need him?      

Friday, September 21, 2012

The art of negotiation

I don't know about you but I am getting pretty tired hearing about "peaceful and tolerant" muslims. I'm sorry but to me the phrase "tolerant muslims" is the biggest oxymoron in existence, if I've ever heard one. It's pretty simple, actually. The muslim religion is islam and the islam bible if you will is the qur'an. Now, obviously I have not read the entire qur'an but the parts I did read are pretty self explanatory... Kind a' like the above picture... You see the qur'an commands islam followers to harass, hound and even kill those who do not agree with their beliefs. There is no tolerance and there is no peace. Islam in and of itself is a religion of turmoil and war and its followers believe it is their Allah given right to pillage, burn and murder everything and everyone in their path that does not adhere to what they believe. In islamic countries women are terribly mistreated, Christians are hounded, driven away and many times killed and sharia law stands alone as the single most powerful tool of oppression. And yet all of the sudden all over the world including here on American soil there is no one more vocal about their "rights" as the muslims. They want their rights but we don't have the right to say what we want to say about their prophet and their religion. American embassies and american schools are being attacked all over the world, and American people are being killed by the same people who are screaming at the top of their lungs that they want their freedoms and their rights. All of the sudden now we, the west have to make up laws that will make it illegal for anyone to say or do anything "offensive" against islam, their prophet and the qur'an. Really?? Really??? Imagine the implications such a law would have. Because, after all, it would be up to the muslims to decide what "offensive" is and the word can be pretty broad. With a law like that my freedom of speech which gives me the right to, for instance, have this blog would fly right out the window and yet, for some reason the muslims think that's OK. But as bad as all this is it wouldn't be quite as scary to the western world and especially America if the current administration wasn't so in love with the muslim world and so blinded to their burning hatred towards everything this country is built on and stands for. I mean look at the facts - the American embassy in Cairo is attacked and the president apologizes... to the muslims. The American embassy in Libya is attacked, 4 people, including the American ambassador die and Secretary of State Clinton throws a Ramadan celebration to honor the Libyan ambassador. Seriously??? Obviously that has to raise the question - what in the world kind of foreign policy does this administration have? When are we going to stand up to the atrocities going on all over the world against American embassies and American establishments by the islamic muslims? The president's response?

Oh, brother! Well, here's my idea of foreign and negotiation policies towards the islamic muslims or anyone else dumb enough to pick a fight with this country:

Anybody else wanna negotiate?? I didn't think so!! DUH!!

It is absolutely, unequivocally and without a doubt ALL Bush's fault!! Oh, brother!!

How predictable... Our deceiver'n'chief does not disappoint, does he? Oh, no! When it comes to taking responsibility for the $16 TRILLION national deficit he has remained true to his course, keeping steady on the same tired heading - It's all Bush's fault! How... original! Interestingly enough those few souls out there still rooting for him along with his left wing nut job extremists in the house and the liberal biased media just don't seem to see this. After all, according to the Obama made up fantasy world, under Clinton we had a financial surplus (seriously???) then that horrible terrorist-hating Bush done gone and started two wars on a credit card!! And for what?? For what??? So, some Islamic extremists crashed 2 airplanes into the twin towers and one into the Pentagon and killed a few thousand American people?? Did Bush have to start a war because of that??? Tsk tsk tsk tsk... Prez Obama just does not understand the need for that... I mean what happened to diplomacy?? What happened to Bush just being tolerant, respecting and understanding of the Islamic religion and just apologize for our way of life, apologize for not making the towers taller and a little wider so at least the pilot could've survived and then throw a Ramadan dinner at the White House for the Taliban leader! Now THAT would have really helped this country and saved us a whole lot a dollars in the process! But, no! Bush just had to teach these people a lesson and come 2008 BO found himself in charge of... wait for it... $5 trillion in debt, amassed by Bush, I might add over 8 years in the house. Well, with that kid of debt aaaand a Republican majority in the house what's a new president to do?? Oh, I know... Take that $5 trillion and make into $16 trillion in less than 4 years because after all we cannot forget the middle class and the country being at the brink of economic collapse is exactly what the doctor ordered for those hard working people! But don't you worry about it the prez sez... We have a plan! Tax the rich people, take their money and give it to those 47% on welfare and food stamps, force small businesses to buy insurance they can't afford and that will put them out of business and, let's not forget, build those bridges and roads! Yup, that's his plan and you should be happy with it! Forget equal opportunity and the American dream! The Constitution is outdated and that American dream? Puhlease!!! According to Mrs. Obama it doesn't exist! So here's what the dictator Obama and his democracy hating wife might be saying to those of us not on their band wagon: "You right wing, bible thumping degenerates who whine about not killing a baby because his momma just wanna have fun and worry about stupid things like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and keeping a small, efficient government and a maximum 8 year presidency term - get a life! A government dependent life! That's your future! Forget about the founding fathers! They were delusional and lived in the 1700's... So just buck-up, do your fair share and just give us 4 more years to really redefine America!" Because, after all the colonial bastards are at the root of every problem this world has and "a government for the people and by the people" never helped anyone! Those ideals, according to BO are outdated and we need new, fresh ideas like... socialism and communism and government control of everything from big corporations to what kind of toilet paper the citizens use and how much hot water they can have! Bright, youthful ideals of some Nosferatu/Frankenstein hybrid America that is a fun combo between socialism/communism with control by a gigantic blood sucking government and the very light handed and tolerant rule of the murderous, women and freedom hating Sharia law! That's right! That'll do it! Um... NOT!! For your FYI prez, those "ideals" are not new and they have NEVER worked! That is why the world needed a change and for hundreds of years America has stood like a beacon of true, undisturbed freedom, a place where everyone, regardless of where they came from has a chance to do something good, meaningful and successful with their lives! A place where Jews found refuge from the genocidal maniac which was Hitler, a place where many people from the communist countries of Eastern Europe, Cuba and China found peace and were allowed to live a life free from oppression and fear, a place where they can speak their mind and choose their own destiny! A country with an unprecedented CONSTITUTION which took power away from the government and gave it to its people, a document that guaranteed that government excess, iron fisted rule and control of the individual will never again be an issue! America is not a perfect country and its people not a perfect people but, nevertheless, it is and it has been an example for the entire world of how far any one individual can go if only they be allowed to chart their own course and decide their own destiny! Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was the concrete foundation of this America and that precept, that wonderful and liberating concept although quite radical at its inception built upon its strong back the greatest nation this world had ever seen! That is the America I love and that is the America we, the people want to keep! So, no, mr. president we the people do not think your plan is working nor do we think that it is what this country needs! No matter how strongly you want to influence and change our freedom loving views, no matter how many times we see islamic and left wing extremists burn our flag on the 6 o'clock news no matter how loud some voices scream for a government dependent present and future generation the true spirit of theses United States will never change and will never die! The gentle wave of our beloved starts and stripes in the warm breeze, the gleaming shine of waters from sea to shining sea, the snowy peaks, the fertile green of valley low and piercing cry of the eagle soaring above the storm will always remind us of who we are and what we stand for! One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL!            

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Can someone say "stupid"???

Oh, my giddy aunt!! Seriously??? Are these people really that deceived/diluted/stupid or is there some kind of missing brain matter epidemic I am just not aware of? I mean I knew I didn't like Alba, I just didn't know why... Now I have my answer. She's not just diluted, she's also pretty dumb! She wrote in her e-mail: "Growing up, my classmates and I started every day with a ritual: We'd stand up, put our right hand over our hearts and say the Pledge of Allegiance". Here's something you might wanna know Ms. Alba - the pledge of allegiance is NOT a ritual, it is a PLEDGE and should not just be said, it should be believed! Ms. Alba continues her run for the title "dumbest person on earth" by saying "To me, that gesture was a promise. A promise to work for liberty and justice - and for affordable education, health care *rolling eyes* and equality - for all. *rolling eyes even more* Well, well... How nice! Except the pledge of allegiance does NOT say "equality for all" anywhere!! And THAT's the deception... This country was NOT built on "equality for all"and it never promised that! Rather it was built on "equal opportunity" for everyone and it has been doing that for centuries. To put it in terms even people like Alba can understand: EQUALITY FOR ALL = SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST IDEALISTIC NONSENSE THAT HAS NEVER WORKED!! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL = NON-DISCRIMINATING EQUAL CHANCE FOR EVERYONE TO DO AND BE WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO AND BE, AN ACTUAL AND VALID PRECEPT THAT HAS WORKED SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THIS COUNTRY!! DUH!!

Wanna mooch off the government but get PO'd when someone calls you on it...

Here'a great example of what I'm talking about. Listen, I understand the need for government assistance. There are many people in this country who are disabled and cannot work for various reasons and many of them do not have well-off family members to help them. THESE are the people who should receive help from the government. I also have nothing against government grants for students and minorities who want to start a private business and drawing unemployment when someone lost their job and need money to live. But people who make a living out of government dependency, are able to work but won't and sit around the house all day long watching TV and playing video-games while whining and complaining about how the world owes them and the government is responsible for them make my blood boil! And then, when someone brings up the fact that they have become used to mooching off the government and will vote for anyone who will give them a hand-out they get uber self-righteous and mightily offended! Well, excuse me! Hey, if you're so offended when someone says you're too dependent on the government then STOP BEING SO DEPENDENT ON IT!! Everyone falls on hard times and we all need help from time to time but trust me, NOTHING is ever free and if you're giving the government an "in" into one area of your life, it will very soon take over the rest of it without your consent. DUH!!