Saturday, January 25, 2014

Selective amnesia my foot!

You know, I was thinking about starting a blog entitled "Stuff I really, REALLY don't like". But, honestly, that list's been growing so much since, oh, I don't know, about 2008 on that I'm afraid I will sound like the most negative person on earth! But there are some things I REALLY feel the need to talk about… Take Dinesh D'Souza for example… I really LOVE this guy! He is a conservative, intelligent man who also happens to be a Christian and happens to have had an almost prophetic, bang on prediction about would be king Obama in his mega successful documentary 2016: Obama's America. What I don't like? His personal choices, of late… Here's what I mean. Dinesh married his wife Dixie in 1992. They have a daughter together. Now Dinesh is well known for his conservative views, not just in the arena of politics but also in the arena of life in general. He is a promoter of conventional marriage and Christian values as they apply to the commitment of marriage. Except in 2012 he seemed to have conveniently developed amnesia regarding those values because he showed up at some Christian convention with a woman who wasn't his wife, who was 23 years his junior and whom he proceeded to introduce as his fiancĂ©… And if that is not problematic enough, at the time he was still married to his wife of 20 years and the trophy arm candy in question was married to her husband of about 10 months… When people started to, shall we say, state the obvious, Dinesh proceeded to say that he didn't know that it was frowned upon in Christian circles to be engaged to one woman while married to another. Really, Dinesh?? This is the best explanation a man of your intelligence and character could come up with? OK… Well, he may have been "casual" about what is and is not frowned upon in Christian circles but it cost him his lucrative 7 figure salary presidency of The King's College in NY and earned him a sound thrashing in liberal publications. Here's the thing: there is a real problem that arises when Christian conservative men have trouble keeping their pythons tucked in and neatly zipped up inside their pants – they boycott and undermine the very principles and conservative values they are trying to promote! Not to mention they obliterate their own credibility and become fodder for the pshyco liberals who are desperately looking for any slip up whatsoever to use as a means to distract everyone from the real issues that are plaguing this nation in this present darkness! And, bonus, they cripple the rest of us who are promoting and supporting those conservative men when liberals start yelling in our faces and wave around their indiscretions and we become powerless to deny or justify what they did. Because how can any conservative woman or man for that matter justify such behavior and not come off as a complete and utter hypocrite! When a man like, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger who’s a Christian and who spent more than half his life supporting and promoting conservative values while being right smack dab in the middle of the Kennedy Camelot, one of the most liberal families in this country and married to one of the more liberal women from this liberal family, turns out to have fathered a “love” child with the maid while married to Maria Shriver, he and his ideas and values, instead of affecting the change we need, become nothing more than the punch line of liberal jokes! And, all of the sudden Maria’s off the charts pshyco liberal publication, The Shriver Report doesn’t seem that bad anymore, even to conservative women, who are now more focused on the hardship Arnold’s betrayal caused her than on the skewed views and Nazi feminism of this publication on every issue pertaining to women’s lives. And why shouldn’t they be? Because, while I do concede that being married to a liberal feminist is more than likely NOT a bed of roses and it probably involves a great deal of bitchiness, emasculation and verbal castration, that is still not a reason to be deceitful and unfaithful to a woman you picked, knowing very well her political leanings. In fact, conservative men and women and especially Christian conservative men and women who are in politics or have influential positions in the public eye, MUST realize that what goes on behind closed doors IS important. They must realize that now more than ever, this country needs solid conservatives with solid lives, void of closet skeletons that can help pull this country out of the black hole vortex that Obama and his cronies have pushed us into! And while I am aware that we are all human and we all make mistakes and that no one is perfect, I am also painfully aware that the devil is now using his puppets more aggressively than he’s ever used them before in order to bring about the complete destruction of this magnificent land. And as such, Christian conservatives HAVE GOT to buckle down and hold on to Jesus stronger than they have ever been! So Dinesh, you may have had a little moment of temporary insanity, and you may have said that you were not, in fact, having an affair and you may say you and your wife were already separated during that insanity moment… But since the divorce is not final and you did break off the “engagement” to the woman who was a whopping 9 YEARS OLD when you got married the first time, I respectfully suggest you get back on the right “horse” so to speak and do us Christian conservatives proud again! Because while I do not believe the whole voter fraud thing and I’m happy to defend you on that one, there is no way I can defend that… other… thing, or the lame-a** explanation you gave for it!


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